Tuesday, July 12, 2005

UNM is a safe place.

Today at precisely 2:38 pm the fire alarm in the department went off. In less than 3 minutes two campus police cars swooped in to the department and cleared everyone out of the building. In less than 5 mins from this point onwards, two fire trucks from the Albuquerque Fire Department also reached the building. Me, Mike and Biwesh, at this point were walking around the building trying to find what was going on. Everyone was out, I guess it was just a false alarm as noone seemed to be very troubled. No sign of a real fire. It was a welcome break from the boring tuesday afternoon. In ten minutes they checked the building out and everything was cool, the fire alarm was shut off and people were allowed to get back to work. It was reassuring that our tax dollars are being efficiently utilized into providing fast and quick service to the public in case of emergency. Excellent.

I'm just glad they didn't check the fire alarm that was most definitely depressed by human hands, for fingerprints. Some poor prankster would have gotten into an uncomfortable situation. Plus, I checked later that there was no video surveillance in that section of the corridor. Good. The bored grad student is safe. Just to make sure, in case police don't return for fingerprints, I wiped the fire alarm's button with a paper towel after all the commotion died down.

I wonder when and where he will strike next!

Monday, July 11, 2005


1. What one is critical of, is sometimes what one isn't too good at.
2. To Sahar: True randomness is not related. Thats the way I relate to it.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Up early!

I'm Up early today,
I should be sleeping away.
The spirits ingested:
Powerless, their sway.

Those eyes, therein,
The darkest pools, beckoning
my deep desires. Dancing
flames, I see within.

Questions, they come again,
Do I mock myself, of
places I have lain ?
Abel was murdered by Kane.

The last line, was to rhyme,
But as things usually are,
This blog changes with time.
Atleast thats true, so far.

This started as something about a dream,
but now I'm puzzled about the recurrence.
I thought it would go away, let off some steam,
I fear this will happen more often, hence.

Ah, my lines are getting longer, Im saying more,
I should probably shut up, cos this is public domain.
But then, who reads my blog anyway, oh what a bore,
Its just someone I talk to to keep me insane.