Tuesday, March 06, 2007

After a long hiatus...

I guess I should write something in my blog even if the readership is the ownership.

News is that I moved with Sreejith in his new house and its an awesome place. Extremely spacious and modern and comfortable and swank. I have a separate room for office and a separate one for the bed so its nice. So now I'm hoping I can invite some interesting people home. You know, for good conversation and some tea. [...ahem]

Its the west side of town and around 6 miles from school but its only a ten minute drive so its perfectly fine. Ihab told me he is going to find an opening for me at Sandia labs. He is impressed with the latest results we have. Of course, Taha has given me an open offer for a post doc with him, so things are looking up. But, I need to graduate! This problem of working in one department, doing research in nanophotonics and optimization but doing a dissertation in causal inference within the stochastic modeling framework is beginning to look a bit funky now. Am I not supposed to be spending all my time on my dissertation ? (Which means I shouldn't be writing this blog now anyhow. .. well. )
But OK, point is, I need to graduate and go into the real world and do real work and get real recognition. Grad school is just an excuse for all the above (most of the time anyway). But a good excuse nonetheless.

Other news. Gauri got married. Strange that she forgot to mention it in any conversation and the frequency of conversations also died off. I guess she has her reasons. I feel that people get married and friendships fade off, especially friendships with the opposite sex. I understand that. I'll probably do the same. In fact I have done that with old friends. Not that I got married but just walked different paths and didn't have the time to care. I wish her well and all happiness. Very few women in the world I truly care a hoot about and shes one of them. Congrats Gauri and Bon Voyage.

I guess I'll dedicate the rest of the post to such friends of mine. Long gone. but not forgotten. Friends I hope I will run into unexpectedly one day and that would be like an awesome moment.

-- random jump into hyperspace --

Today we used Fermat's little theorem to show that Primes is in NP. (Well of course, Primes is in P, we know that since 2004) but showing Primes is in NP isn't very obvious either. Pretty awesome certificate actually. If I understood right, if you consider the modulo group of size p-1, where p is being tested for primality, you can give a Pratt's certificate of its prime factors. Ah.. but to prevent cheating I have to give Pratt's certificate for all its factors, since their primeness is also under question. Freakin' recursive certificate that boils down to a O(n^2) where n (number of digits) ~= log p. I don't quite get all the details of the proof yet. But this group theory stuff is all very cool.

-- jump back --

Back to news.
I feel like some coffee.

End of Blog.


Blogger Sahar said...

hey you finally moved. Nice!

8:27 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

looks like the readership's not just the ownership cause this is comment #2! From Girl Dost #2.
miss ya!
See you soon!

3:20 PM  
Blogger G said...

Ahem...no one's dissapeared...you just never return my phone calls :p

9:14 PM  

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